This was my first ever longer hiking journey to POONHILL with my college mates.We were all excited for the trip and planned so much for the whole time at college.
By that time it was all fun and all but didnt knew that i was actually making memories that i can recall whenever i like.It was a hell of a trip,first day with all the bus rides
along with the singing and dancing all the way to pokhara.
SUNRISE From Lakeside


Then,comes the second day where the trek began. Everyone was walking on their own,some were far behind and some ahead. 
Two of us, me and my friend kajal were together and four of our friend were left behind.

Time was passing by and it was getting darker and colder,Dense forest were covered with fogs.All dark and black out,no lights visible and nothing to see but yet more to hear, chippering of birds,noise of insects.

With all the hustle, we reached a place called TADAPANI but our friends still walking over dense forest in dark night. We tried to contact them but no network was available that made us really tensed.

But after awhile some voices were heard and that were our friends, we were so happy to see everyone safe and sound. Everyone hugged each other and shared the warmth where one of friend actually cried.Moments like these, speaks to itself that what love,affection,care and bond is.

Also,that night i saw the most dreamy view i ever imagined. It was liked someone projected the view using projector where mountains were so close, all surrounded by clouds. Everything looked so near as if i could touch but yet so far. After few seconds everything disappeared.


We woke up early and started our walk,this time all of us walked together. We reached place called GHOREPANI and stayed there that day. 

Next morning,

 we went early morning to see the sunrise. POONHILL had the best sunrise to offer. Hint of gold from the sun in the peak of mountain made them so rich and beautiful.
With the sunrise , we completed our trek to POONHILL residing at 3210m from sea level.



We returned to Pokhara at the very day and POKHARA had yet much more fun to offer. We visited every place that pokhara is known for likewise MAhendra cave, World Peace Pagoda,Bat cave,Davis Fall
Pokhara visit wont be complete without the fancy nightlife of it. So, We decided to hit some club and had fun with drinks and crazy dance.

All these crazyness are now just a memory.